Frequently Asked Questions

General Merchandise

How can I get more general merchandise on my site?
Contact your GM Planner to start the process of a Web Refresh. Once you complete the web merchandise request form with the assistance and direction of your planner, this merchandise is sent to the photographer for imaging. The images are then sent to our online product team and uploaded to your website.
How do I update the featured products on my site?
Learn How
What are some things I can do to increase my efollett GM sales?
A great way to increase your online GM sale is to regularly update your Featured Products with the newest and most relevant merchandise. Another way is to initiate cross-selling. This means that when a customer selects a sweatshirt to purchase, they will also see that they can purchase a hat, t-shirt, and pants that go with the sweatshirt. This process gives more visibility to certain items and could potentially increase your overall sales..

The MIU Process

What is an MIU and what does it do?
MIU stands for Mass Information Upload. It is the process by which WinDSS product data is integrated into CMC and your website.

Overview of the MIU Process (FMS Only, PDF 71KB)


If an order has been placed for a Trade book online that is also in my store, who will fulfill the order, my store or Ingram's?
If a tradebook on your website shows a status of "Available for store pick-up or shipment ", the order will be fulfilled by your store.If a tradebook on your website shows a status of "Available for shipment only", the order will be fulfilled by Ingram. Note: We are working to create functionality that will allow all stores to fulfill trade books that they have in their store.
I have a trade book that a faculty member on my campus has written and listed in my store? How do I get them on the website?
You can get the trade book written by the faculty member on your site by first checking to see if the book is present under the General Books category of your site. If the book is NOT present under the General Books category contact your IP Planner to get a Follett issued sku for that book. Once you have received the Follett issued sku send the sku and an image of the book cover to your efollett Web Specialist.

Note: The book that was just added will NOT show up under the General Books category. This book will show up under Apparel and Gifts category.


Computer Products

How do I add computer products to my website?
In order to have computer products on your website, you must first be added to the MIU. To find out if you are on the MIU, contact your efollett specialist. Also, contact your specialist to find out how you can be added to the MIU.
Why aren't all the computer products I have in my store listed on the website?
Computer products are added globally to all stores that are on the MIU. However, only the items that you carry in your store will be visible on your website. Almost each month we add new computer products to the websites.
How do I add an Apple, Dell, Acer or Lenovo banner to my website?
If you are an authorized Apple, Dell, Acer, or Lenovo retailer, contact your efollett Web Specialist to request a banner for your website. A banner to promote these brands can be easily added to your store's homepage.



How do I update my buyback page for the upcoming buyback season?
Accelerator has 3 designated buyback information areas listed under Store Messages; 1) Buy Back/Rush Remote Locations & Hours, 2) Buyback Most Wanted Titles, and 3) Buyback Store Events.

These message areas allow you to add buyback specific information to the website. Since these areas are html enabled, we have included templates for you to use. You will only need to type in your information to the template, and then copy and paste it to the message areas.

How do I list my most wanted buybacks?
Please refer to this PDF -



Once I am in SODA, will I still have access to Accelerator?
Once you are on SODA, you will no longer have access to view your orders in Accelerator. However, you will still have access to manage your terms, add/change the calendar of events and add/change your store messages.
Who should I contact with issues concerning SODA?
If you have any questions or concerns with SODA, you should contact Product Support. The number for Product Support is 888-327-4242, option 3.
How many tenders can a customer use on eFollett?
For a store that is on SODA the customer can use up to four different tender types. These tender types are any of the four major credit cards, financial aid, campus cards or gift cards. The customer will need to enter their first payment selection and the site will apply as much of the Amount Due as it can towards their first payment selection. If a balance remains, the customer will be prompted to enter a second payment option. They will then have up to 4 payment options to satisfy the balance of their order. If they should reach a fourth payment option they need to have enough funds in order to cover any remaining balance. Credit cards are suggested to be the last payment option entered if the customer uses more than one payment option. If they only wish to use a credit card as their payment option they should select that preference first.
Where can I find the SODA Order Fulfillment Manual?
You can find the manual in the Policy and Procedures section of the eSpot.
How do I find out what efollett and SODA functionality changes were made and when?
A guide called "Using the efollett Website - old to new" has been added for your convenience to the QUAD. This guide details the changes between our previous version of efollett and Accelerator and the the latest version. All SODA functionality questions can be answered by contacting Product Support at 888-327-4242 and select option 3.



Why is my tax rate on the website different than the tax rate for the state?
In certain states textbooks and clothing carries an additional tax charge.
What is the efollett order fulfillment timeframe policy?
All efollett orders should be picked and shipped within 48 hours.
What are the approved cartons and boxes for shipping efollett orders?
Both the Guide to efollett Order Fulfillment and the SODA Order Fulfillment Manual contain an Appendix page listing the process and skus available. These boxes can be ordered from the Westmont, IL DC at any time.

All efollett orders are required to use these cartons. There are four sizes available.



What is booknow?
booknow is a simple process that allows students to purchase their books immediately after they register for classes by clicking on a link on their campus' online registration system. This link brings them to their efollett website with a shopping cart containing the course materials for the courses they registered for. Click here to see how booknow works.
What training and marketing materials exist to help promote the benefits of bookNow on my campus?
Please contact your efollett Web Specialist for all marketing materials related to booknow.  You can also schedule a training session conference call about the details of booknow.
What is a "TERM DIR"?
"TERM DIR" refers to the code that is used to identify a specific term. Once you are on booknow it is important to enter the correct TERM DIR in the TERM ID field in accelerator. If the TERM ID is not correct booknow will not work. For further questions on your TERM ID please contact your efollett Web Specialist or your IT contact.
What is booklater?
booklater is an online service provided by Follett that allows customers to request notification when course materials are available in the event that the booklist is not complete.

Since the required materials are not in supply when students choose the option to buy, booklater gives them the option to be notified by e-mail when the materials become available for purchase.

Do you have to have booknow in order to have booklater?
No, you do not need to have bookNow in order to have booklater. bookNow and booklater are separate programs that are independent from each other. For further information on getting setup for booklater contact your eFollett Web Specialist.
Is booklater automatically enabled when I am live on booknow?
No, booklater is not automatically enabled when you are live on bookNow. The two programs are independent from each other and require different setups. Your IT contact works with you and your bookNow representative to setup bookNow. To setup booklater you will work with your eFollett Web Specialist. Contact your bookNow Representative or eFollett Web Specialist if you with to have booklater and bookNow setup at the same time.
How do I configure Pre-Orders and what benefit does this provide?
Check with the booklater guide in the "How To" section



What is booklook?
With the release of the Higher Education Opportunity and Affordability Act (HEOA) Follett Higher Education Group has developed a solution to make compliance easier for all of our partners. We call this solution booklook.

booklook is a free program that the institution adds to their website providing a connection between the class schedule and the course materials information. It will allow anyone who is interested the ability view what books will be available for a class and how much they are going to cost prior to registration.

To accomplish this, we designed booklook to display the course material information that the stores already receive from the professors each term. This means there are no extra databases to fill in and no files to send out. Once the course material data is loaded to the efollett servers, the information can be seen through booklook.

For more information please see our HEOA website: The website will provide you with more details on how the program works and it will allow you and the institution to sign up for a conference call with one of our HEOA specialists. These specialists will be able to answer your HEOA questions and discuss the setup process so you can decide if booklook is the best solution for your campus.

Does my campus have to use booklook to be HEOA compliant?
No, booklook is a service that we provide but we don’t require that the institution use it. Since the campus is responsible for providing the information they are free to choose a solution that works best for them. By now they most likely have been presented with multiple applications from various sources that will satisfy the requirements. If the school decides to go with another program then we fully stand behind that decision.
How can I sign up my school to use booklook?
On our HEOA information webpage,, there is a HEOA Implementation Form that serves as the booklook sign up sheet. This form will allow you to select some times to hold a conference call with one of our HEOA specialist so that we can go over how the program works and what would need to be done to get it installed. It will also let us know who we need to include when we setup the conference call.
We sent in the HEOA Implementation Form but haven’t received a response.
When you send in the HEOA Implementation Form we record the next available date that is listed on the form. You HEOA specialist will then send out an email 2 weeks prior to that date to setup a conference call to go over booklook. If you are ready to begin now please make sure you select the weeks that are closest to the current date.
What information is provided through booklook?
booklook provides every piece of information we have about required textbooks and course materials. Including: Title
Copyright Year
New Price
Used Price.

Should the textbooks be eligible for rental and/or ebook then those prices will be listed as well.

What are some of the more common questions about booklook?
We have compiled a list of some of our more common questions about booklook. Click the here to find out more.



How do I get a username and password to log in to the Accelerator?
To receive a username and password for Accelerator, please contact your eFollett specialist.
How many characters are allowed in Calendar of Events?
The calendar of Events section has a character limit of 250 characters per message.
I added an event to my calendar of events, why isn't it showing up?
The calendar of events section may take a little longer to add to your website. After you make your event active in Accelerator, give the event a couple of hours to become visible on your website.



Who should I contact for issues with CourseTracks?
If you have issues regarding your website and CourseTracks, please contact your CourseTracks Product Support at 888-327-4242, option 2.
How often does CT update textbook inventory availability on efollett?
The inventory is refreshed twice a day.

Third Party Vendors

I received an order that begins with 2001-is this an error or should I process the order?
If you receive an order that begins with 2001, you do not have to fulfill this order. The order will be fulfilled through our 3rd party vendor Ingram.
Who fulfills orders for ebooks?
Ebook orders are fulfilled by Overdrive.
Who fulfills orders for Medical Books?
Medical books on your website are fulfilled by Rittenhouse.


Technical questions about your website?
Contact the Product Support Center (PSC) by Phone: (888) 327-4242 or email.